Monday, January 26, 2009

Quick Rant

Disclaimer: this is what happens when you don't have football to watch...

I caught a glimpse of yesterday's Miss America with my g/f. (She was channel surfing, not me)... Her timing was impeccable as we were treated to the Top 15 in the swimsuit round and then the Top 10 in the evening gown round... My commentary today does not refer to how the contestants looked in bikinis nor how some of them sucked in their stomachs while walking on stage, nay, this is more about the attractiveness of the respective candidates from the states that border the Buckeye state.

Exhibit A - Miss Ohio:

Compare Exhibit A to the following, who are from Michigan, Kentucky, and Pennsylvania.

in point, the winner was none other than Miss Indiana.

So I ask, why is Miss Ohio so busted????? Such a poor representation of our fine state....

Miss Tennessee would have gotten my vote... (or Indiana)...

(photos all courtesy of

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

On This Day in History....

A strong visual representation of what we hope he will bring... unity. (props to tsevis @ flickr)

2010 is going to be a HUGE year for the history book publishers. I mean, I might need to invest some stock in McGraw-Hill Companies ASAP.

That aside, never has the opportunity for change and revival been more prominent. Ask my friends and they'll tell you that I'm usually extremely apathetic when it comes to politics. But even I am excited about the potential that the new group of individuals bring to the White House.  The uncertainty and potential is compounded with much hope, as evidenced by the million(s) of individuals who made the pilgrammage to Washington DC to personally witness the inauguration of the 44th President of the United States.  

I'm anxious to see how the next four years unfold... after watching the previous eight years erode my financial & job security, and wealth away.

*Editor's Note: It digusts me to read the ignorant facebook statuses and Twits that were apparently sent from another universe, nay, galaxy... 

Thursday, January 8, 2009

BCS - a misnomer

While reading the Wall Street Journal this morning, I stumbled across a word that looked foreign to me. Yes, the paper was written in English, but I was convinced that the word I was reading was not English. A letter with one vowel, one apostrophe, and five consonants: "Mightn't".  Out of context, this word looks even more ridiculous than it did at first glance. It is so very ironic that English, the worst language in the world, is also the most widely spoken/used language in the WORLD. 

Spelling, grammar and sentence structure aside, my rant this morning has more to do with improper acronyms and definitions. Today's culprits are "BCS - Bowl Championship Series" and "NCAA - National Collegiate Athletic Association". 

Let's analyze the first: BCS. "Bowl" is appropriate as indeed bowl games are played. However, after those first four letters, "Championship Series" more deceiving than a transgendered hooker in a little black dress with a deflated adam's apple. Perhaps my interpretation is too simple but when I hear "championship series", I am led to believe that 1) a true champion is identified and 2) that there is an associated series (plural; more than one) of events occurs to identify the preceeding. In the current state of the BCS system, there is only ONE game (a singular word, for all you grammar folks) that is played to determine a champion. Strangely enough, this one game does not successfully identify what it is intended to do. There are four BCS games and a "national championship" game. The five games share only one commonality: money. You get paid to play in these games. Otherwise, these five games are no more alike than the elements of earth, wind, fire, water and poop. This year, poop is the National Championship game and the process by which the teams were selected.

My discourse about the NCAA is more based on the definition of its "Core Purpose". As stated: it's purpose is to "govern the competition in a fair, safe, equitable and sportsmanlike manner, and to integrate intercollegiate athletics into a higher education so that the educational experience of the student-athlete is paramount." They obviously wrote it wrong because based on their actions it's purpose is to "govern the competition, student-athletes and athletics in the most equitable manner as deemed profitable, fruitful and productive to the NCAA and its constituents."

The End. 

PLEASE go read this post which is far more interesting than the above. 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Beloved Buckeyes - Post Game/Season Thoughts

Thanks lolcat. I couldn't have said it better.

I'm bullet-pointing these thoughts out of laziness and the fact that I'm running on a little over five hours of sleep.
  • Dignity - so we didn't get to redeem ourselves for the past three Big Game Blowouts (FU, LSUck in Louisiana, USuCk in Southern Cal), but we showed up against a powerhouse of a Texas team that was favored by -9 on  neutral field and held our own. I also lost two hours of sleep because it was actually exciting. We saved face against a Heisman runner-up... 
  • Short Comings - Big picture analysis would say that OSU lost because of poor tackling and very poor execution. Too many missed tackles and Pryor galloping out of bounds with no defenders around does not win football games.
  • Good Bye! - with a slight dash of "good riddance". I'm mostly talking about Alex Baffoon Boone and Mo "Rasta" Wells (more known for his hair than his running ability). Rehring gets some of this love too, but at least his mid-season "injury" kept him from getting embarrassed, er, from being in the line-up. This is probably pre-mature, but I hope that we Marcus Hall (Glenville) commits and ends up being a mauler at LG next to Shugarts with Browing (RG) and Adams (RT) at the other side. Brewster is the second coming of Mangold. There, I said it.
  • Good Bye (pt II) - I'm going to miss seeing Jenkins, Laurinaitis, and even Abdallah (yes, his play in the last 4-5 games hopefully earned him an NFL roster spot). On the bright side, Malcolm will be on my Madden squad next year kicking ass and taking names. 
  • Good Bye (pt III) - I'm torn on this one. Beanie Wells was an absolute beast in the first half (+100 yards on 16 carries?!!!!!!) and then he turns into Beanie Baby... He NEEDS to declare for the NFL draft because he's physically not going to survive another full season in the S&G... The guy needs Wolverine's recovery ability... just sayin'. I'm liking Boom Herron's ability to run well behind that putrid offensive line... Hopefully we've got some other guys in reserve for '09-'10.
  • Wideouts - Terry Roboskie should be proud of Robo's performance last night. Can't say the same for the Hartline family. I know that Pryor probably overlooked an open Hartline on a few occassions, but there's a reason he was throwing to Posey. When is Flash Thomas going to finally see some PT on offense??!? WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? I'm certain he can run a go route and Pryor can launch the ball deep. It's like breathing.
  • Class Act - Todd Boeckman, you would be a great player if you had any mobility/pocket presence. Nice TD pass to the Future. We all enjoyed that. Oh, the double pass interference call on the 2-pt conversion attempt was worse than Ryan Leaf's pro career.
  • Shaun Lane - hope he's okay. He's a special teams demon with plenty of pro potential.
Maybe more later....