I moved into my new apartment this weekend. It's a quiant, two-bedroom townhome that rents for a ridiculously affordable $660/month. Though I'm on track to save $75/month just by moving (my previous rental rate was $735/month), that $75 has already been reallocated towards a "family" membership at the local high-end fitness center... On a semi-related note, the "raise" I received earlier this year, has been reallocated towards my golf-addiction. Anyway, this was a very introduction to today's Daily 5 which all require money:
1. Washer & dryer - I've been advised that this is a good investment, especially if you're willing to pay the extra $200-$300 up-front to get the more energy efficient models. In the long run (i.e. a one-year horizon), you break-even on your energy bill and everything after that is gravy. I'm tempted, but I also don't have $2,000 sitting around. I don't have a washer-dryer now, and once my fiance' (who lives down the street) moves back home, I'll be washer-dryer-less and I'll have to buy the set. Estimated cost: $1,500 to $2,000.
2. XBox360 or PS3 - I might as well be living in the Mesozoic era. I don't have either of these consoles and therefore, have no gaming platform to complement an HDTV. This is extremely disheartening for a sports-gamer like myself. NCAA Football and Madden just aren't the same... and I feel like I'm still in college (I had the same PS2 in college). If somehow I end up with a PS3, I'll be BluRay ready too.. Estimated cost: $350-$400.
3. Wedding Band(s) - We haven't figured out who's paying for what.. but it's not like our families are going to buy these for us. Estimated cost: $1,000-$?,???.
4. Golf Bag - I currently carry a golf bag that only have four pockets which creates a lot more "bag chatter" than necessary. It has plenty of compartments for tees, balls, etc., however, I would very much like to upgrade to a bag with 8-13 pockets. Estimated cost: $89-$200.
5. Dining Table/Bar - Two bar stools, no table. Food will be consumed in the living room. Estimated cost: $150-$250
I admit, item number 1 & 5 make me sound old and boring.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Random (B@W)
Just trying to stay consistent this week. Consistently bored out of my mind.
Anyway... onto today's sports-centered (nothing ESP-in related) musings:
Barstool Sports: If not for the strict firewall here in the office, I would be able to enjoy the glorious Yankee-hater columns, smokeshows and girls that I wouldn't mind waking up to... I was inspired to post here after a hasty Google-search of Melissa Satta left me drooling. Unbelievable body. Search for yourself if you don't believe me.
NCAA Football 2009: I wish I had a PS3 or an XBox360. LD, thanks for the heads-up on the XBox, at $299, those things were gone before I could get home to a computer.
On that note, I'm off to golf this afternoon and the weather is perfect. $18 for 18 holes with cart and a 6 for $12 beer special. We didn't have that in Myanmar...
Anyway... onto today's sports-centered (nothing ESP-in related) musings:
Barstool Sports: If not for the strict firewall here in the office, I would be able to enjoy the glorious Yankee-hater columns, smokeshows and girls that I wouldn't mind waking up to... I was inspired to post here after a hasty Google-search of Melissa Satta left me drooling. Unbelievable body. Search for yourself if you don't believe me.
NCAA Football 2009: I wish I had a PS3 or an XBox360. LD, thanks for the heads-up on the XBox, at $299, those things were gone before I could get home to a computer.
- Graphics: the graphics leave more to be desired for on the PS2 console. Standard composite A/V cables don't get it done anymore... Component = HD friendly. Composite = Nintendo, anyone?
- Game-play: the game plays just like the previous 3-4 version of the game. Player control is a little stickier than the Madden series, but the setup is the same. The college game also features a color "stamina" status for each player. It helps when you want to pick on the already slow LB who's got man-coverage on Brandon Saine (95 speed) or Lamaar Thomas (96 speed) running out of the backfield. From my experience and other forums I've read, defense gets the short end of the stick. Specifically pass-defense. I've been the least successful in defending against the pass but it's worth noting that I've allowed zero TDs thus far. I've tried to take a NY G-men approach (pressure the shit out of the QB) which has been mildly effective.
- Rosters: I'm convinced that the guy who did the final QC on the rosters is color blind or racist. I've had to change the skin color on four of my beloved Buckeyes... I want my money back. I also have some complaints about certain players being underrated. Can't think of the guys off the top of my head, but just like with Madden, there are notable inconsistencies across the board. I recommend putting a group of college football addicts in a room and having them hash out player ratings with a weapon of choice (see: Geek Prospectus Friday Question). The alternative is spending an hour adjusting your own player ratings to your liking prior to starting your off-line dynasty. Less bloodshed... and also less fun.
- On-Line Play: No comment because I don't have the capability/equipment to participate. Maybe someday.
- Chris "Beanie" Wells: The Ohio State running back (aka. RB #28) can be compared to a freight train, Earth-sized bowling ball, or Optimus Prime in semi-truck form. He has an unreal combination of speed and power (enhanced with use of the 'truck-stick' during game-play) with the ability to run through linebackers and run past safeties. This man among boys can be occassionally tackled by a 5'10", 170lb defense back. WHAT?
- Sounds & Music: I'm glad Brent Musburger isn't a commentator. You should have the option to adjust volume and frequency by commentator. Brad Nessler voice is useful. Lee Corso should be muted. Kirk Herbie should talk less. Love the fight songs.
- Overall: it's a college football computer game. I'm sold. My only true complaint is the sloth-like processing speed of the PS2... fortunately, game play is not affected by this travesty.
On that note, I'm off to golf this afternoon and the weather is perfect. $18 for 18 holes with cart and a 6 for $12 beer special. We didn't have that in Myanmar...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Did You Know? (OSU Football)
I am an unabashed Ohio State football fan. OSU football and current NFL alumns will be common blog topics, especially in the midst of what should be a ridiculously awesome season...
GOD I CAN'T WAIT!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Did you know? Ted Ginn Jr. broke the rookie, single-season all-purpose yard mark in 2007 as a Dolphin?
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Random (B@W)
"B@W"... A common term that stands for "bored at work"...
- Cheap golf balls are cheap. Good golf balls are relatively expensive. Great golf balls are just plain stupid expensive (+$3/each). In my new-found addiction of golf, I've also determined that a better golf ball makes a difference especially after you've figured out how to hit a swing a golf club. Anyway, I found a ridiculous deal on Bridgestone B330s (retail: $39.99/dozen; $3.33 each) at the ever cost-friendly price of $2.17/each for a savings of $14/dozen! Take that Golfsmith and Golf Galaxy!! I play the e6+ right now, but the 330s were very kind to me the one (last) time I did play them (can you say "chip-in"?). Note to self - no more golf ball purchases necessary for 2008.
- I found my Halloween costume for 2008 (via geekologie.com).
- I watched "Wipeout" last night for the first time ever and it just happened to be the "season in review" episode. A cornucopia of hilarious face plants, belly flops, failure, and embarrassment. I don't think I could sit through an entire show. What confuses me most is that it took TV producers until 2008 to finally air this show. 'Shlap-shtick' comedy like this would have been very helpful in the months following any major catastrophe that occured in the previous 10 years. Just saying... On a separate note, "I Survived a Japanese Gameshow" was much less enjoyable.
- Is anyone else worried about Team USA Basketball this year? J-Kidd, CP3, and D-Williams all struggled to keep up with Patrick "Speedy Gonzalez" Mills from Australia. Mills is still in college.... at St. Mary's (CA)! My astonishment would be silenced if the kid was playing for say, UNC, Duke, or Kansas. However, the heart of my concern lies in two simple areas: big-men and free-throw shooting. Paging Greg Oden and Bill & Ted (Keanu Reeves isn't busy, I'm sure of it). Go get me the 20-something version of Shaquille O'Neal. Final point: I'd take the 'in their prime' starting five of: Magic, Michael, Larry, Charles, and David over any 5 on today's squad.
- I successfully read through the first chapter of Strength Finders 2.0. I also finished taking the on-line test which pretty much told me that my strengths (according to the answers) are inconsistent with my current career and job... Now to finish the rest of the book. If only the book came with a lucrative job offer at the end.
- Cheap golf balls are cheap. Good golf balls are relatively expensive. Great golf balls are just plain stupid expensive (+$3/each). In my new-found addiction of golf, I've also determined that a better golf ball makes a difference especially after you've figured out how to hit a swing a golf club. Anyway, I found a ridiculous deal on Bridgestone B330s (retail: $39.99/dozen; $3.33 each) at the ever cost-friendly price of $2.17/each for a savings of $14/dozen! Take that Golfsmith and Golf Galaxy!! I play the e6+ right now, but the 330s were very kind to me the one (last) time I did play them (can you say "chip-in"?). Note to self - no more golf ball purchases necessary for 2008.
- I found my Halloween costume for 2008 (via geekologie.com).
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Five Things I'd Rather Not Be Doing (Daily 5)

1) Having and suffering through a migraine attack
2) Receiving acupuncture treatment for said headache
3) Composing process and procedure material
4) Sitting in meetings (this is accurate for all business days)
5) Reading pointless e-mails (this is also accurate for all business days)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Five Things I'd Rather Be Doing (Daily 5)
In no particular order:
1. Playing NCAA Football '09
2. Golfing
3. Laying by the pool
4. Planning my honeymoon in St. Lucia
5. Taking a nap
Today's cravings are rational.. Tomorrow's might say something like "starting at QB for OSU vs. Youngstown State".
1. Playing NCAA Football '09
2. Golfing
3. Laying by the pool
4. Planning my honeymoon in St. Lucia
5. Taking a nap
Today's cravings are rational.. Tomorrow's might say something like "starting at QB for OSU vs. Youngstown State".
Call me Kung Pow (Intro)...
To give credit where credit is due, props to the Geek Prospectus, specifically E and LD, and the two other writers who I don't personally know, for inspiring me to blog again. I also credit my day-j.o.b., where the absence of focus and priorities has led me into an abyss of boredom. Based on the "buzz-word bingo" word, "mood elevator", one would say that mine is in the basement and inoperative.
This is a blog that will consist mostly of my two cents on sports, sports-media, video games, my terrible golf game, occasionally politics & newsworthy news (Lindsey Lohan doesn't count), as well as infrequent travel/vacation. Expect more of the former and less of the latter.
That being said, hopefully this will be semi-entertaining and possibly insightful at times.
Without further ado, my first entry will be about... Golf; because I broke 100 (on 18 holes!) on Friday for the first time in my life.
Without further ado, my first entry will be about... Golf; because I broke 100 (on 18 holes!) on Friday for the first time in my life.
This is my first summer of actually learning and playing the most frustrating game in the world. I took eight weeks of lessons, spent over $1,000 to update and upgrade my golf bag, attire, and other golf equipment. Since mid March, I've managed to play about 19 rounds. I'll start by saying that I probably should have taken lessons years ago (like when I lived by a driving range in Cincinnati) because it's the best thing I could have ever done to make my game tolerable. Shooting 125-130 with your future father-in-law probably isn't a good first impression. But thanks to lessons, I redeemed myself by shooting 101 on his home course six months later.
We played a local course in Dublin that's renowned for a need for, but not actual, wearing hard hats and less for the beauty or condition of the course. This course has a high "fore" to tee-shot ratio. It also has a high "fore" to second-shot ratio as well. I must have been drinking some special water all morning because I proceeded to shoot a 44 on the back 9 (started on the 10th) to lead our group of three. ("Three-some" just doesn't sound right in context of golfing with two other men)...
On the front 9, I was drinking David Duval beer and my self-implosion and specifically my struggle to hit a straight-tee shot with my driver; compounded by a '7' on a par-3 and two lost balls in water hazards, I managed to shoot a 54, lagging desperately behind the 42 and 43 that Golfers 2 and 3 put up, respectively. As Golfer 2 indicated, I shot a 38 on the first 8 holes I played, and 60 on the last 10. That was disheartening. That is still disheartening.
All that added up to a score of 98. The 44 was the lowest score on any 9 that I've played this summer, and the 54 matched the highest score I've shot on an 9 over the past month. Breaking 100 was a long time coming... and I'm happy to have finally cleared the hurdle. I'll probably post something golf-related if/when I break 90. The guys I usually golf with all shoot in the 80s and 90s... If I keep this up, I'll be able to join that fraternity of decent golfers. Furthermore, if I'm lucky, I'll peak at the right time, just in time for the to-be-scheduled department golf outing.
Needless to say, I'm a golf-addict. Round #20 for 2008 is scheduled for Friday afternoon already.
We played a local course in Dublin that's renowned for a need for, but not actual, wearing hard hats and less for the beauty or condition of the course. This course has a high "fore" to tee-shot ratio. It also has a high "fore" to second-shot ratio as well. I must have been drinking some special water all morning because I proceeded to shoot a 44 on the back 9 (started on the 10th) to lead our group of three. ("Three-some" just doesn't sound right in context of golfing with two other men)...
On the front 9, I was drinking David Duval beer and my self-implosion and specifically my struggle to hit a straight-tee shot with my driver; compounded by a '7' on a par-3 and two lost balls in water hazards, I managed to shoot a 54, lagging desperately behind the 42 and 43 that Golfers 2 and 3 put up, respectively. As Golfer 2 indicated, I shot a 38 on the first 8 holes I played, and 60 on the last 10. That was disheartening. That is still disheartening.
All that added up to a score of 98. The 44 was the lowest score on any 9 that I've played this summer, and the 54 matched the highest score I've shot on an 9 over the past month. Breaking 100 was a long time coming... and I'm happy to have finally cleared the hurdle. I'll probably post something golf-related if/when I break 90. The guys I usually golf with all shoot in the 80s and 90s... If I keep this up, I'll be able to join that fraternity of decent golfers. Furthermore, if I'm lucky, I'll peak at the right time, just in time for the to-be-scheduled department golf outing.
Needless to say, I'm a golf-addict. Round #20 for 2008 is scheduled for Friday afternoon already.
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